The TreeSeers have been here since the beginning, they collectively hold memories of many long-forgotten things. They are great trees bearing faces with mouths that can talk and eyes that can see, though they don’t speak very often and spend most of their time in a secret world that exists behind the eyes of conscious awareness.

Befriending a TreeSeer is a very special thing. Most are silent around anything not rooted to the earth. When one chooses to speak, its ancient breath forms words very slowly. The sound of their voices are deep, pulsating and calm and may be likened to the sound of heavy wind or murmured chanting depending on how carefully you are listening.

Though mostly indifferent to what goes on around them, the Treeseers care about life that inhabits this world and will gladly offer vague words of wisdom to the ones they take a liking to, though due to the fact that their sense of time is very different to most, their words may sometimes be so vague that it is too late before the message is fully understood.

The TreeSeers are believed to act as pillars that hold reality together, their roots grow deep to keep the ground from falling in on itself. Many creatures have chosen to harmonize with the Trees, promising to live by their laws of passivity.

This one’s name is ‘Maar’. Maar never seems too surprised by future occurrences. If you listen carefully you may occasionally hear the tree murmuring about trivial things that happened many years in the past. Like that butterfly from a millennia ago who stole one of its leaves.

This is Triskele, also known as ‘Trine Eye’. If you are close enough to hear his soft, chant-like mutterings you may notice he will often unknowingly disclose future events as if they had already happened.

This is Tol. Like most TreeSeers, Tol experiences past, present and future as one everlasting anomaly. Tol believes that these three facets were separated in order to facilitate the education of the travelers that reside within the middle. Tol aids these travelers during their transition.