The Nomen are gentle, mysterious and strangely powerful creatures. They are all quite similar to one another, like identical twins, separated only by their experiences. Long ago, before they had all come out of hiding, it was believed that they were all just the one individual as it was uncommon for two to be found within the same vicinity, this is why many still refer to them in the singular tense; ‘The Noman’. Many also still do believe that they are indeed one being, acting under the will of a hive mind.
In place of a face, the Nomen have an undulating tendril that moves with the wind. Being without a mouth, they communicate through their minds and prefer to use feelings, images and physical expressions rather than words.
Those who have been visited by a Noman often describe a sense of ‘neutral emptiness’ radiating out from within the Noman’s core. This emptiness allows space for many interesting things to occur.
Though mostly treated as bizarre enigmas, there are some who view these faceless beings as divine messengers and believe that they are channels who allow for a greater power to flow through them. Several profound and interesting communications from the Nomen have been noted. Including a few that heralded great change and divine occurrences which would not have come to pass were it not for the message. They speak in riddles and rhymes and will appear to be saying nothing when upon further examination are in fact saying something incredibly important.
The Nomen are free from the burdens of perceived purpose and identity as they lack a conventional sense of self. Many embrace this state of being as they are free from the obligations that come with the ego, while a few may see it as a hindrance. Feeling unable to make meaningful decisions and struggling to create personal connections with others, these Nomen often go looking for a mask of some kind to satiate their feelings of inadequacy. (Read more about ‘Selves’)
They are beloved by the ancient Treeseers.
Noman the Magickman
People call him ‘Noman the Magickman’. He has embraced his lack of self and is free from the bonds that confine others to conformity.
The Magickman is a traveler who performs bizarre ‘magick tricks’ wherever he goes. One will often see him contorting his body in strange ways while planting seemingly indecipherable riddles into people’s minds.
Though the legitimacy and usefulness behind the ‘magick’ of his tricks is debatable, crowds have a tendency to form around him. The expressions on the faces within these crowds are full of bewilderment, confusion, and sometimes even mild annoyance, but every so often a look of profound revelation and understanding will enter the eyes of an onlooker. Upon seeing this, the Noman will skip away, waving his wand in the air, dancing to an inaudible and rhythmless tune while emitting gelatinous bubbles from his long-reaching fingertips with the enjoyment of knowing that he has done something good for somebody.
Noman Smallfellow
Noman Smallfellow was gifted a special twig by one of the younger Treeseers. The twig has the power to reduce the relative size of willing participants.
The Nomen love to wander.
Many Nomen choose to live beneath the canopies of the perennial TreeSeers. It is here that they feel most at home and are able to actualize their true potential more easily.